Welcome to my Website! - Sora Dunham

This website is for my english class journals

Journel #1 --- explain the format you have chosen for this journal and why you have made these choices?

My first Journel!

The format I chose for my journel is a website! I used the free online hosting service neocities to help make this. They just supply the storage and upkeep, all the code and formatting still has to be done by me. Luckily, they also have a lot of resources on how to get started making a website which helps substantially. at the time of writting this first entry I have not fully figured out how to format text, so sorry if it is a little difficult to read.

I chose This format for my journel for a few different reasons. The primary one being that this seemed like great oppurtunity to learn the html and css coding languages. I personally find coding in general rather interesting and it is a small hobby of mine, although I am a complete beginner at the previously mentioned languages. Aside from my currently limited knowledge, there are few format based restriction on how creative I can get with the journal and I am excited to see what I can do with it. Thinking about ways to potential decorate and format the site is a lot of fun and I am excited about learning how to execute those ideas. One maybe downside is that I no longer have immediate auto correct where i am writing on for my spelling and grammer which I am admitidly a little reliant on.

Jorunel #2 --- Explain where you would end the passage shitty first drafts by Anne Lamott for inclusion in a textbook for first year writing students? Explain your reasoning?

Comfort with Discomfort

I would leave in the entire text.

I believe that it continues to hold value until the end of the text, as the ending portion about the people in her head helps students feel more comfortable with the process and the emotions that come with it. I have sat under a table agonizing, yelling, and whining about writing many times, and knowing that I am not alone is reassuring.

A pottential counter argument to this, I feel, is that the end is not relevant to the message of the chapter, and that the chapter itself may offput students. But I believe it is the most relevant to the message of the chapter. Understanding that writing is suppossed to be a struggle and you will most likely need to revise (hence first draft), are the main points of the chapter and I feel nothing could better encapsulate that message then the outcry of associated emotions she expresses.

And to the point that it may be offputting to students. I am not even sure that that is a bad thing. As Previously mentioned, I feel part of the message is comfort with discomfort, and if one finds the passage unsettling than good, understand that feeling. Even if it may discourage a few, I do not believe that this paper alone will cause anyone to give up on writing, and I believe that the benifits it may provide to the students who sympathize far outweigh the negative.

Journel #3 --- Explain your chose of prompt for our english essay, what you will write about, and your chose of revision method.

I love Celeste

For my essay I chose prompt A, in all honesty because the moment I read it I knew exactly what I wanted to write about (I did still go and read the other options). The story I want to talk about is from the video game Celeste, as it is probably the piece of media that means the most to me.

I am rather excited to get to write about it, as I have a ton of feelings pertaining to the game and some of them need to escape my brain. My discarded writing about the game for a preivous assignment for this class, I cried on the train while writing, a good kind of crying though, I love this game. For my revision method I think I am doing individual, as I am not confident I will not break down crying during an active disscusion about what I will write and think that, even if I was to not cry, that I have such an amount of personal feeling attached to this, that I do not know if I can comfortably talk to people about it without my anxiety stopping the exit of words from my mouth.

Journel #4 --- Discuss your experiance with essay one. What challenge did you face? Did you overcome it?

Time management, the bane of my existence

My ability to manage time is quite poor, in large part due to ADHD. It is often that I can only get myself to work on something when its deadline is approaching, and trying to do so beforehand is comparable to the feeling of trying to get yourself to touch a hot stove, in that your body simply will not let you. Briefly, the primary physiological reason for this is my brain does not effectively release the neurotransmitter dopamine in the areas of my brain that take care of executive function, and dopamine is what primarily motivates you to do the thing. I can spend an entire day telling myself to work on something and not be able to. This has improved substantially since I started taking ADHD medicine and developed numerous strategies to help me. before I could barely do at home assignments at all. And it has continued to gradually improve as I better utilize the plethora of strategies I have, and I like to think one day I will be able to take a deep breath and move my body to do as I please. I wrote the entire draft for my essay the day it was due, and I wrote the entire final draft last night, and the outcome definitely suffered because of it. I still loved getting to write about my favorite video game, despite the aforementioned difficulty. In answer to the question, "Did I overcome it?” No, I did not. I do not think I ever fully will, but I will continue to do my best and keep improving, as I am determined to win my unending battle with time managment.

Journel #6 --- How are you doing in all of my classes this semester?


How well I am doing varies a large amount by class, but compared to how I was doing last year in high school every subject has improved. In my major classes I am doing great, with pretty much all A’s. My required curriculum classes on the other hand range from decent to pretty poorly. Specifically my first year seminar class I am barely passing in, and the work from that class is detracting from every other class for me. Writing has always been my weak point in school due to how much prolonged focus it requires, which I lack, and while I have improved greatly at it, the sheer quantity of writing my seminar requires is still weghing me down. Overall though, this semester is the best my grades have been since elementary school, and I am really enjoying a lot of the classes I have.

Journel #10 --- about your experience with this journal and its entries

It was nice

Despite my poor consistency with them, I quite like the journal as a recurring assignment. They have improved my ability to put thoughts down I think. I have often struggled to put my thoughts into writing, so this has been nice practice. Also, I enjoyed learning about the basics of coding a website a lot, even if I did not do a lot with it. I think it has made me want to maintain my own kind of journal in this style. I would love to semi-regularly write about my brain’s thoughts on something.